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A Letter For ArithFi Community

Dear ArithFi Community,

Since the inception of the ArithFi SCP model at the end of 2021, we have been committed to reshaping the crypto trading sphere, striving for a more efficient and equitable trading environment. Our vision is to pioneer an era of commission-free trading, thereby democratizing crypto transactions and ensuring fair trading conditions for all. Just as electric vehicles will eventually replace gasoline-powered cars, a zero-fee crypto trading paradigm is destined to supersede the current commission-based models.

Within just a month of the ArithFi App's launch, we surpassed 2,000 downloads and received positive feedback from our users, who have noticed a significant difference. A similar futures trade costs substantially more on centralized exchanges compared to ArithFi. Current crypto exchanges profit from transaction fees and often promote worthless "air coins," continuing to exploit traders by manipulating the market. Retail traders struggle to profit from transactions, with the majority of gains being absorbed by the exchanges. ArithFi aims to alter this by advocating for the SCP model, which paves the way towards a zero-fee era, knowing that once users experience zero-fee, zero-slippage trading, it's hard to go back to paying fees. As zero-fee, zero-slippage trading gains traction, it will herald the era of zero transaction fees for the industry.

The biggest query from many users about zero-fee, zero-slippage trading is the source of support for project development. This is explained on the ArithFi official website, in short, project development is supported primarily by two means: 1) ArithFi DAO's financing for initial project funding; 2) The deflation of ATF tokens generated by the SCP model in the long term as a source of sustainable value. We provide detailed guides and case studies on the ArithFi official website and community forums to help users understand how the SCP model works and how it achieves zero-fee transactions.

To encourage more users to join us and promote the concept of zero-fee trading, we have designed a series of incentives. Whether by referring new users or participating in community building and feedback, we will offer rewards to acknowledge everyone's contributions and efforts.

ArithFi is still in its early stages, and the effort of every ArithFi community member is crucial to realizing the zero-fee era. We ask every community member to consider transferring a portion of your trading funds from centralized exchanges like Binance, OKX, Bybit, etc., to ArithFi, in support of the development of zero-fee, zero-slippage trading. Tell your friends that the average crypto trader is exploited for $1500 annually by exchanges, and ArithFi can put an end to this.

The true power of blockchain lies in the hands of ordinary people. In the blockchain world, we aspire for more than just wealth; we seek freedom and fairness. The exploitation by exchanges brings only oppression and injustice to ordinary people. If you, like the ArithFi team, refuse to accept the status quo of exchanges, join ArithFi. Together, let's build a fairer, freer trading environment and accelerate the advent of the blockchain era of zero transaction fees.

ArithFi Team
