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ArithFi Incentive Program


ArithFi officially met with everyone on September 27th this year. ArithFi has gathered traders and futures users worldwide in just over two months, with a total trading volume of 600 million $ATF. We sincerely appreciate everyone's confidence and enthusiasm in ArithFi. In light of this, we will host the first round of the Incentive Program for one month.


Total prize pool: 15,000 ATF

Reward 1

The top ten contributors with XP on Zealy will share 10,000 ATF

  • 1st place: 2,500 ATF
  • 2nd place: 2,200 ATF
  • 3rd place: 1,500 ATF
  • 4th place: 1,100 ATF
  • 5th place: 800 ATF
  • 6th place: 700 ATF
  • 7th place: 600 ATF
  • 8th place: 300 ATF
  • 9th place: 200 ATF
  • 10th place: 100 ATF

Reward 2

Participating users will be eligible for an airdrop, sharing 5,000 ATF.


Completing tasks on Zealy and earning contribution XP. Rewards and airdrops will be distributed based on users' contributions within the ArithFi ecosystem.

  1. Join Here:
  2. Duration: Dec 9, 2023 to Jan 8, 2024 16:00 (UTC+8)
  3. Contribution XP rankings and winners list will be announced on Jan 9, and rewards will be distributed on Jan 10.


Engaging in cheating will result in your disqualification from winning the ultimate reward. ArithFi possesses the ultimate authority to explain.