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How to use copy trading feature on ArithFi?

A seamless futures trading experience may be had anytime, anywhere by using ArithFi copy trading service. Follow the trading strategies of the top traders around the world in the trader's square with just a single click. Here is the beginners' guide on ArithFi Copy Trading service.

  1. Visit https://arithfi.com/#/copy on your wallet browser or PC and Connect your wallet.
  2. 222.png
  3. Click "Account" and then click "Deposit" for your ArithFi Lightning Trade account.


  4. Go on copy trading feature and select the trader by clicking "Copy".
  5. Setting copy trading investment for the trader

    Set the total investment amount and single investment amount of your copy trader.

  6. View your copy trader

    Back to the Copy home page and click "My Copies" to view your copy trading details.

  7. Click "My Traders" to check your followed trader.

    You can choose to stop copying the trader or add investment for trader.
